We have spent decades in Asia, and know our way around all types of manufacturing. Whether you are producing furniture or electronics, high-end to simple gadgets, we know how to handle it. More importantly, we know how to make manufacturing work for YOU – the way you intended it to be – in Asia.
We experience that many companies are not really aware of how their product is REALLY performing. They have a perception, and are often happy with that. Why settle for less? Using state-of-the-art statistical methods, we bolt on to the manufacturing process and use REAL performance data from your process in order to provide you with a TRUE picture of how your product is performing. We can guarantee that we will tell you things about your product that you were not aware of, and that can save you cost and time.

With never-ending cost increase in all levels of the supply chain, it’s key to perform periodic cost-down analysis in order to counter this for your bottom line return. Our experts will dive into your supply chain and product design and effectively identify cost reduction aspects. We guarantee we can identify areas of costs that you were not already aware of.
New Product Introduction is a field of its own. Our experts have decades of experience in bringing products to market, industrialization and supplier alignment. We take every measure, and work diligently and structured, and by REALISTIC PLANNING we deliver to schedule.

Our team will perform factory audits per your requirements. Depending on your needs, we will put together an audit package, and execute this to the detail. All along with you being part of the journey, by continuously keeping you informed about our findings. This ensures that the audit provides you with the information you need to build a strong and lasting relationship with the supplier. We will also inform you of any potential risks that we identify on our own as part of the audit.
Process, in average, counts for 10 – 20% of the acquisition cost of a product, all depending on type and complexity. Our experts will use industry-renowned methodology to improve your production process. Through streamlining each step of the process, reduction of waste and elimination of bottlenecks, we guarantee to increase your production yields to above 98% (or other agreed levels).

Problems happen. There is no denying it. But how do we recover when they happen? Our team will apply industry standard corrective and preventive action in a closed loop process, ensuring that the problem is not only contained, but the root cause as to WHY it happened is properly identified, and we determine what are the steps to prevent it from happening AGAIN. We guarantee that the loop is closed.
Keeping focus on your key performance indicators is one thing. It tells you where you are. But it doesn’t always tell you where you are headed. Our model is to keep a proactive approach to the KPI, meaning actively aligning yourself to your KPI goals as you move along. Get in touch and we’d be happy to tell you more about it.

We are based in Hong Kong. Right smack in the middle of Asia. From here we can be anywhere in Asia within few hours. Just as if you have a peer in the cubicle next to you, you have a peer in us – in Asia! All you need to do is pick up the phone or send us an email, and we’ll show up on the doorstep of your supplier within short time. You simply cannot put a price on that capability!

Development cost is high in Europe. Did you ever consider outsourcing some of this effort in order to save cost and time? Based on your requirements specifications, we can provide engineering work to take some of the load off of your own engineering department. We guarantee the quality of work, and just as important, we’ll make sure your IP is secure throughout the process.
You may have a great design. You may even have several great designs. But are they manufactureable? Can they be serviced after hitting the market? Are they designed to be built at a profitable rate, cost and time? Our experts have decades of DFx experience and can work with your design team to effectively smoothen out these potential bumps to your product performance.

Asking for pricing, a quotation or simply getting information about the capabilities of a potential supplier can be tedious and time-consuming work in Asia. You ask five questions, and you get answers to two of them. Sometimes, you get answers to a different question than you actually asked. At Peerium, we make sure you get the answers you need, when you need them.
The engineering lifecycle of a product doesn’t stop when the product starts to ship to the market, on the contrary. There are often many engineering changes required AFTER the product has been brought to market. We can work with your engineering department to effectively identify and address these issues, or with your approval, we can address them for you.

We will perform capability and capacity analysis on key parameters, based on agreed metrics. Using state-of-the-art modeling and report tools, you will get real-time real-performance data on the areas of interest for you.
We will do coaching workshops with your employees, seminars or even just drop by for individual assistance in specific projects.

Not happy with the quality you are receiving from your Asian supplier? There can be a number of reasons for why this happens. It can be poorly defined requirements, pure misunderstanding, sub-par production quality, or even culturally related (yes, that can actually happen). Our team will identify the reasons behind, and regardless of reason, we will address it effectively. It can be anything from a simple quality improvement exercise on factory level, to mitigation between supplier and customer.
Either as directed by you, or independently, we will bolt on to your vendors and subcontractors, driving improvement and delivery precision as needed. If you have a subcontractor that your factory is reporting as delaying your product to market – let us know. We will show up there and make sure it happens!

Whether your supplier is ISO certified, and you need this to be confirmed, or you need RoHS or REACH documentation provided. Perhaps you want to make sure the factory has the required quality routines in place, and you want to make sure these are being followed. Whatever your requirement might be, our team of experts will oversee, inspect and report accordingly.